
Teaching Features


1、 培中创校以来坚持以华语为教学媒介,因为母语教学、母语学习的成效最佳,也最有效率。

2、 培中重视母语教学外,亦兼顾加强国语与英文的学习和掌握,是以自2019年起,本校即与尊迪奥国际教育机构合作引进了剑桥英语课程和考试,让学生日后在任何舞台均享有绝对的竞争优势。

3、 培中也同时积极推广社团活动,鼓励学生将爱好变为特长,力求通过各项多样化的社团活动不断丰富学生的各项能力,活跃校园文化,全面激发和发展学生的兴趣爱好,使学生的才艺素质和个性特质得到均衡发展,成为具有“乐学、勤学、好学“品质的人才。

1. Pei Min has insisted on using Chinese as the teaching medium since its establishment, because mother tongue teaching and mother tongue learning are the best and most efficient.

2. In addition to attaching importance to mother tongue teaching, Pei Min also takes into account strengthening the learning and mastery of Bahasa Malayu and English. Therefore, since 2019, our school has cooperated with Zondio International Educational Institute to introduce Cambridge English courses and exams, so that students will be able to play in any stage in the future. All enjoy an absolute competitive advantage.

3. Pei Min also actively promotes club activities, encourages students to turn their hobbies into specialties, and strives to continuously enrich students’ abilities through various club activities, activate campus culture, and comprehensively stimulate and develop students’ interests and hobbies. Students' talent quality and personality traits are developed in a balanced way, and they become talents with the qualities of "happy to learn, diligent and eager to learn".