愿景与使命 Vision & Mission


  • “人文素质教育” 就是将人类优秀的文化成果通过知识传授环境熏陶以及自身实践等教育


  • 人文素质教育的目的,主要是引导学生如何做人,包括如何处理人与自然、人与社会、



  1. 培育学生品德优先,积极进取的精神。

  2. 唤醒学生探索、批判、推理和创新的能力

  3. 强化知识传授与实际应用之融合,开拓艺能教育的培养。

  4. 引导学生认识及兼容多元文化,实现团队合作与领导力。

1. 勤 - 勤奋的人们不仅会立即采取行动,还会每天反思和努力工作

2. 睦 - 和睦的人冷静,友善且容易相处

3. 忠 - 忠诚的人可靠,可信,值得依赖,但最重要的是不违背道德和良心的忠诚

4. 毅 - 有毅力的人将有决心完成工作,不会因为遇到障碍和困难而放弃,更不违反任何道德行为


Implement education which prioritizes humanistic values and become the most preferred academic institution for Mirians.

  • “Humanistic Qualities Education" aims to transform outstanding achievements

in the cultural aspect into personality, temperament, and cultivation through

educational activities such as dissemination of knowledge, environmental

edification, and self-practice, and become one’s relatively stable inner quality.

  • The main purpose of Humanistic Qualities Education is to guide students

on how to behave, which includes ways to deal with the relationship

between humankind and nature; humankind and society; interpersonal

relationships; plus one’s rationality, emotions, and will.


  1. Cultivate virtuous students' with a competitive spirit.

  2. Stimulate students' ability to explore, criticize, reason and innovate.

  3. Strengthen the integration of knowledge transfer and practical application, plus

develop the cultivation of education in arts.

  1. Guide students to understand and be compatible with multiculturalism,

realizing teamwork and leadership.


1. Diligence - diligent people will take action immediately, work hard everyday and constantly reflect to seek improvements

2. Harmony - harmonious people are calm, friendly and easy to get along with

3. Loyalty - loyal people are trustworthy, reliable and dependable, but the most important thing is a loyalty that does not violate morals and conscience

4. Perseverance - people with perseverance will have the endurance and determination to ensure that they will complete their work properly without violating any ethical conduct, regardless of the obstacles and difficulties that they encountered